IaRC to utilize “Help Desk” concept at Southeast Iowa Hamfest October 6th

The Iowa Repeater Council Board decided to provide a “Help Desk” at the Southeast Iowa Hamfest.  The hope is to provide members with a direct connection to the Repeater Coordinator and members of the board.  The IaRC Help Desk will be open from 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  All questions and concerns will be addressed.  If you wish to coordinate a new repeater, download and fill in the application and bring it to the Hamfest.  If you have concerns, bring any paperwork that you have and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue.


Membership Elects 3 New Board Members

The regular meeting of the Iowa Repeater Council was held Saturday August 3rd at the CVARC Hamfest.  The members present elected 3 new members to the IaRC board.

The new board members are Angie Paytes KDØRRW,  Paul Cowley WØYR and Jason Skretta KDØEDE.  These members will serve for four years.  They join Tom Reis NØVPR  and Ron Luse KX9Y.  The board met in closed session after the general meeting and elected the Officers

We want to thank Roland Newton, Evan Folk and Chris Conklin for the service to the IaRC

  • Tom Reis, NØVPR, President
  • Aggie Paytes KDØRRW, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Paul Cowley, WØYL, Frequency Coordinator
  • Ron Luse, KX9Y, Board member
  • Jason Skretta, KCØEDE, Board Member