We have created a Group Messaging Site

The Iowa Repeater Council is working to enhance communication about and improve the overall process of frequency coordination within Iowa.  One way we are trying to accomplish this task is through the use of a group where open communication between Iowa repeater owners can occur.  In the current implementation, this Groups.io page serves primarily as an email reflector where all email sent is automatically distributed to every member of the group, however you also have the ability to receive a daily or weekly “digest” or even no email at all and simply access the message archive through the group page. Your email address was extracted from the Iowa Repeater Council coordination database as someone who either currently has or formerly held a frequency coordination, or are someone listed as a sponsor or primary contact for a frequency coordinated in the state of Iowa.  As someone with an active interest in frequency coordination in the state, we’d love for you to join the group.

If you didn’t receive an invite or for more information about signing up,  Click on this link to sign up https://groups.io/g/IowaRC


Work Progressing on Clearing IaRC Backlog

We are pleased to report that many things have been happening with the backlog of applications and issues with the IaRC coordination and recording responsibilities,  Here is a summary,

  • 43 significant repeater updates to the DB
  • 19 applications processed and now pending coordination (pending response from adjacent states)
  • 2 applications processed and now fully coordinated (all adjacent state responses received)
  • 8 applications processed and waiting on applicant response to confirm frequency choice to proceed with coordination
  • 6 apparent on-air repeaters pending SK re-coordination
  • 2 repeaters waiting on a response from HoC regarding pending de-coordination

I have only 7 or 8 applications left to work , plus 4 or 5 that are in an “on hold” folder that I need to review and email the applicants about.

Many thanks to Paul, WØYL for the over 50 hours invested So Far!


Thumbs up

IaRC to utilize “Help Desk” concept at Southeast Iowa Hamfest October 6th

The Iowa Repeater Council Board decided to provide a “Help Desk” at the Southeast Iowa Hamfest.  The hope is to provide members with a direct connection to the Repeater Coordinator and members of the board.  The IaRC Help Desk will be open from 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  All questions and concerns will be addressed.  If you wish to coordinate a new repeater, download and fill in the application and bring it to the Hamfest.  If you have concerns, bring any paperwork that you have and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue.
