IaRC Plans Virtual Meeting

Good day everyone.  Given the reality of the pandemic, the board of the Iowa Repeater Council has decided to host a virtual meeting for our members.  The meeting discuss two items.  First is a move to align the Wisconsin Band Plan with modest modifications for Iowa.  The second is discussion to reduce the time we move to de-coordinate frequencies that have failed to file their annual re-certifications from 4 years to 3 years.

This virtual meeting is expected to last 60 to 90 minutes.  The board will take no action on these items, we would like members input.

Here is a copy of Wisconsin’s Band Plan  WAR-Bandplan-Revised-2019

Details for the call follow.

Here is the meeting information for the IaRC online meeting to be held 8-11-2020 at 1900-2030.

Click here to join.

Audio-only dial-in information:

+1 319-423-3239   (United States, Cedar Rapids)

Conference ID: 641 589 374#