Iowa Repeater Coordinator Notes

The Spring 2020 IARC repeater directory has been published.  A PDF copy of the directory is attached to this email, and is also available for download in the “Files” section of the IARC page.  It will also be posted to the IARC website shortly.  Please feel free to print and/or distribute copies of this directory among your local clubs and groups.


Note that per IARC guidelines, only those repeaters with current coordination are published in the directory.  I have processed all renewals I have received as of today.  If your repeater is not listed but you believe you submitted an annual coordination renewal to me by the April 1st deadline, please reach out off-list by sending an email to so we can work to get your coordination updated.


Also attached to this email is a list of repeaters that do NOT have a current coordination with IARC.  Of particular concern are those highlighted in yellow.  Per current IARC guidelines, any repeater that has not had a coordination renewal >4 years is subject to de-coordination.  Those repeaters highlighted in yellow fit this category and will be de-coordinated if no update is received by 30 June 2020.


Thanks again to all of you who sent in your annual renewals in a timely manner… it makes the job a lot easier!


