Skywarn / ARES Links
Amateur Radio repeaters are often utilized for emergency and disaster preparedness.
Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) is an umbrella organization involved in emergency preparedness. The Iowa ARES organization maintains this website.
The National Weather Service utilizes ham radio as part of its severe weather spotting network, which is called “SkyWarn”. Iowa is served by several National Weather Service Forecast Offices. Here is a list of those offices and their amateur club callsigns, as well as a link to their Skywarn / Ham Radio Pages:
- Des Moines K0DMX
- Homepage
Spotter Page, includes amateur radio repeater lists.
Mid-Iowa Skywarn - Quad Cities (Davenport) WX1NWS
- Homepage
Ham Radio Page - La Crosse WX9ARX
- Homepage
Skywarn Ham Radio Page - Omaha
- Homepage
Skywarn Ham Radio Page - Sioux Falls
- Homepage
Spotter Information Page