Virtual Meeting Rescheduled

With the devastation from Monday’s Derecho and such a large area affected, I have decided to reschedule the virtual meeting.  Please mark your calendars for the 1st of September, 2020.

Below is a copy of the original post along with the information needed to attend.

Tom Reis, NØVPR


Good day everyone.  Given the reality of the pandemic, the board of the Iowa Repeater Council has decided to host a virtual meeting for our members.  The meeting discuss two items.  First is a move to align the Wisconsin Band Plan with modest modifications for Iowa.  The second is discussion to reduce the time we move to de-coordinate frequencies that have failed to file their annual re-certifications from 4 years to 3 years.

This virtual meeting is expected to last 60 to 90 minutes.  The board will take no action on these items, we would like members input.

Here is a copy of Wisconsin’s Band Plan  WAR-Bandplan-Revised-2019

Details for the call follow.

Here is the meeting information for the IaRC online meeting to be held 8-11-2020 at 1900-2030.

Click here to join.

Audio-only dial-in information:

+1 319-423-3239   (United States, Cedar Rapids)

Conference ID: 641 589 374#