Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I start a coordination?
  • Are there any 2 meter frequencies available in Iowa?
  • What are my responsibilities after I’m coordinated?
  • Who is on the council?
  • Where do I pay dues?
  • Where and when are meetings, what about an agenda for upcoming meetings ?
  • Why isn’t repeater W1XYZ listed in the repeater directory ?
  • Can I sell or transfer my coordination ?
  • Will I lose my coordination if I don’t keep up my dues?
  • What are the Articles of Incorporation for IaRC?
  • What are the By-Laws for IaRC?
How do I start a coordination?
Gather your transmitter site data and send a form to the coordinator. See this page.
Are there any 2 meter frequencies available in Iowa?
The 2 meter band is quite popular, and coordinating a repeater channel on that band is difficult. There may be some locations that can get a coordination, but its not very likely.
What are my responsibilities after I’m coordinated?
Update the annual survey form and return it every year. Notify the coordinator if the repeater is off the air, or is moved, or changes owners. Essentially, if any of the 5 pieces of data provided at coordination time is changed, the coordinator should be notified.
Who is on the council?
Repeater owners and operators in the state of Iowa with up-to-date dues constitute the membership of the council. The board of directors are elected from the membership. The board of directors then appoints the officers and other positions from within their ranks.
Where do I pay dues?
Several options exist.  You can pay online at our PayPal site, or pay the treasurer at one of the annual meetings, or return your dues with the annual survey form, or mail your dues to the treasurer.
Where and when are meetings, and what about an agenda for upcoming meetings ?
The website is a good resource, watch for announcements here.  Also, the annual survey mailing typically lists the planned meeting dates for the year.  Due to COVID-19, we may also have a video-conference meeting instead of an in-person meeting.
Why isn’t repeater W1XYZ listed in the repeater directory ?
A coordinated repeater will appear in the directory listings, including the ARRL directory, only if the annual survey form is returned in a timely fashion.
Can I sell or transfer my coordination ?
Changing ownership changes one of the 5 coordination criteria, and therefore, requires re-coordination. The coordinator typically tries to keep existing coordinations in the same service areas when possible.
Will I lose my coordination if I don’t keep up my dues?
Coordination is not tied to dues.  There is no fee to coordinate a frequency.  The annual dues are required to be a member of the repeater council with privileges associated with that function.  Dues support the coordination mailing costs, as well as internet presence of the council.
What are the Articles of Incorporation for IaRC?
Link to Articles of Incorporation
What are the By-Laws for IaRC?
Link to By-Laws (August 1988)